The question of the day, to hold your tongue or not to hold your tongue?
We are all faced with people in our lives who think that they can dictate to anyone in which they choose. Well that does not sit well with me. I am a very blunt person, I will not take orders from people. If you ask me to do something and I can, I will help. But please do not expect me to jump when you make your demands, without a please, or can you, or would you.
Recently I have encountered this situation yet again, with a person very close to our family, though the situation is a lot more in depth than just dictating to people. It makes you wonder do you hold your tongue and let it go though it is affecting other people as well, or do you put the person in their place at the risk of hurting the others close to you?
It is such a hard decision to make. Either way someone can get hurt, but if nothing is said it will continue, eventually start eating at you, and can still pose a risk to hurting others you love. So what do you do?
When I was younger I wouldn't have given it a second thought, I would have told the person off not caring who I hurt in the process, it's funny how time and age change us. Though I am still very blunt in some instances, but when it comes to people you love, family, and friends and people you know who are close to them, you always have to think about what you are going to do before you do it.
Though I know more likely what I am going to do in this situation, how do you handle people that just get under your skin? When do you get to the point of hold your tongue or not hold your tongue?
Hope this gets people talking.
Until Next Time,
Mom of Many
Great post! I think their is a way to be blunt and still have tact (respect). I have found that it's better to tell someone "No, I can't do that for you. I have to do XYZ." in a respectful way that still gets the point across.