Many couples have rough spots in their marriages, whether you have been married a year or 10 years we have all had our problems big or small. But to make a marriage work it takes a lot of work, from both parties involved.
I came across this wallet card called "The ABC's of Marriage" many of them I agree with. How do you feel about it?
Affirm each other in life
Begin each day with love
Communicate openly and often
Depend on each other
Encourage and support
Flirt Often
Give generously
Hold hands
Instill honesty in all you say and do
Journey together
Kiss everyday
Listen, Laugh, and let go
Make a memory each day
Never go to bed angry
Open your soul
Pray with each other
Quote love poems
Respect each others differences
Share your hopes, dreams, and fears
Tell each other "I love you"
Unconditional love
Value each others opinions
Wake up each morning with a kiss
X-ercise patience
Yield to the temptation to spoil your spouse
Zealously purse joy and peace for each other
Though many of these are an important part of marriage I feel that the C for Communicate is the biggest to pursue in a marriage, if you cannot talk to one another how can anything else fall into place. So I would say that is the biggest one we use every day. The one I find hardest to do is Wake up each morning with a kiss. being that my husband gets up fairly early for work and I am normally sleeping when he leaves this one is hard to do on a daily basis.
What are your favorites in your marriage? Or what things do you hope to have in a marriage if you are not married? Which ones do you find hard to do?
Until next time,
Mom of Many
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